Heart - Belonging
Perseverance Relationships Acceptance
Our enrichment program for the heart is based on:
• Meaningful relationships
• Connection to families
• Discussion groups and workshops for parents
• Grace & Courtesy
• Cultural awareness program
• Social responsibility
Relationships are the cornerstones of life and optimum emotional development is based on attachment. Trust, love and respect are the basis for all meaningful relationships. At NSW Montessori schools we pride ourselves on the respect that is shown to each person in the environment as we strive to form strong relationships within our community. We consider ourselves connected to families as we work in partnership with them in raising their children.
We regularly hold coffee evenings, discussion groups and workshops for parents. Parents have the opportunity to get to know their children’s educators well, to ask questions and to speak about their individual circumstances.

In genuine partnerships, families and early childhood educators:
• Value each other’s knowledge of each child
• Value each other’s contributions to and roles in each child’s life
• Trust each other
• Communicate freely and respectfully with each other
• Share insights and perspectives about each child
• Engage in shared decision-making.
We believe in values. Good manners which are taught formally through the Grace & Courtesy curriculum in the Montessori program help guide the children’s behaviour as
they learn how to accommodate the needs of others, show acts of kindness & compassion and sustain relationships & friendships. Good manners begin positive interactions in an
ever-changing world, create first impressions and help form routines and habits for life.Our Australian community has many facets.
Celebrating diversity helps children understand traditions, values and lifestyles which form the multicultural framework of Australia. As well as studying Australian culture and in
particular our indigenous peoples we celebrate diversity and uniqueness through the in-depth study of numerous cultures each year. Children experience food, dance, language, games, see landmarks and man made structures and create maps and flags. Families are invited to share their culture with us. Children learn that they are citizens of the world and share a responsibility for its future.
Cultural competence is much more than awareness of cultural differences. It is the ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures.
Cultural competence encompasses:
• Being aware of one’s own world view
• Developing positive attitudes towards cultural differences
• Gaining knowledge of different cultural practices and world views
• Developing skills for communication and interaction across culture
Social responsibility is embedded within the Montessori philosophy. All of us are able to contribute
through building strong bonds and acting in meaningful ways. Everyone has a voice and a responsibility to the welfare of others and people contribute to our society in different ways. Children learn that they have worth in the rich fabric of our Australian society and their contributions make a difference in the lives of others. Social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making are enhanced and nurtured through the Montessori curriculum.We have formed relationships with Oz Harvest, MS Australia, The Puuya Foundation, The Smith Family, Guide Dogs Australia and Botany Bay council and welcome community
members in to present workshops for the children such as First Aid, African drumming, Cultural dance, Music, Magic, Australian reptiles. Indigenous culture, puppet shows and magic show. We also welcome parents, carers and the local library staff in to share books, cooking, craft, gardening and language with the children.